


olchemim Immunoassay kits






The OLCHEMIM Enzyme Immunoassay Kits are available for the detection and quantification of plant growth regulators, cytokinins and the appropriate N9- and N3-substituted derivatives, auxins and abscisic acid. The OlChemIm ELISA Kits utilise the principle of competitive binding to measure the concentration of hormone in plant extracts. The immunoassays based on OlChemIm Kits are fast, cost effective, precise, specific, sensitive and easy to perform. In little over 3 hours total time, the plant growth regulators can be measured at 0.01 to 50 pmol/50 mL using only 50 mL of partially purified plant extracts. The Kits are cheaper than other immunoassays and suitable for a large number of samples.

AntibodyProduct NumberQuantity
trans-zeatin riboside immunoassay kit010 03111 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 03125 pcs
dihydrozeatin riboside immunoassay kit010 06111 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 06125 pcs
isopentenyladenosine immunoassay kit010 01711 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 01725 pcs
N6-benzyladenosine immunoassay kit010 05511 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 05525 pcs
meta-topolin riboside immunoassay kit010 01111 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 01125 pcs
ortho-topolin riboside immunoassay kit010 01311 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 01325 pcs
cis-zeatin riboside immunoassay kit010 03311 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 03325 pcs
kinetin riboside immunoassay kit010 03511 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 03525 pcs
indole-3-acetic acid (C1´) immunoassay kit010 15311 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 15325 pcs
abscisic acid (C1) immunoassay kit010 27011 pc
1 kit = (480 assays, 60 strips x 8 wells )010 27025 pcs


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